Tunic – Discovery Distilled

What with it just having released for basically every platform now, the entire world of gaming now has an opportunity to play what is probably the best game that came out this year. That might sound a bit hyperbolic, especially for a game that really isn’t for everyone. But if you’re the sort of person who loves discovery, puzzles, and adventure, you aren’t going to find much better than Tunic.

A simple title that belies a complex journey.
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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – A Fusion Of Our Strength!

Whew, it’s been awhile since I’ve written one of these, hasn’t it? Been having trouble getting motivated. But shockingly, of all games to get me motivated, it’s Xenoblade Chronicles 3 that we’re gonna take a look at today. While I certainly got very excited over Xenoblade Chronicles 2 when it initially came out, my opinion on it soured quite a bit with time, though being ambivalent to the story from the off probably hasn’t helped. But Xenoblade Chronicles 3 fixes that particular gripe with a narrative that’s gripping from the very start, and helps power this game into what might be my favourite in the series, and a culmination of the past games’ successes into one massive explosion of excellence.

A simple title screen… that raises so many questions for fans of the previous games.
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